
Showing posts from September, 2017

My Experience with 6th grade!!! (So far) (Free blog post)

So far 6th grade has been pretty easy and fun, I like Middle School a lot more. Middle School is way better in my opinion because we get to have more teachers. Also because there is a lot way more other kids you can meet and be friends. It is also cool because you get to move around a lot more,like there is a lot more space. I don't mind it i actually like that its like that because its like if the school depends on us,because we have to get to classes by our self's and stuff like that. The food is a lot way better than my Elementary School's food. Thanks for reading!!!

We Movement Assembly!!!

We Movment is really important because We Movement helps a lot of people in need of help. We Movement is like a program that mostly deals with everything, a program that tries to help people. If it's that they need water food, or help with bullying cyber bullying. They also could help with slavery,if kids were slaves before they helped them overcome it. Or they help them overcome any fear. Last week I took the pledge which shows other people that you care about them and that you show support. I felt happy and honored that I was able to show support to all the people in help. Thanks for reading!!!

News Last Week!!! #1

About 16 years ago two planes crashed into the Twin Towers in New York. One plane hit the north tower first,a lot of people taught it was a accident at first. But about after 18 minutes after the plane hit ,another plane hit into the other twin tower. After that happened it became clear to all the people that America was under attack. They were a total of 4 planes,the third plane hit the Pentagon in Washington D.C. . The last plane hit a golf course i believe because the people in that plane decided to take over to save us,that's why they crashed into a golf course. They didn't exactly know where the 4th plane was gonna hit,because they were going one way than they turned off the gps and turned around. I felt really sad researching for 911 pictures and facts because its really sad to think about how many lives were lost. When the planes crashed into the twin towers he people that where trapped on the higher floors decided to jump instead of burning to death. Thanks for readin...

Welcome To My Blog!!!

Hello, My name is Erick Garcia, I came to welcome you to all of my first blog. I wrote this blog for Ms.Haury and my classmates. I hope you like everything I write about,this is my first blog of the year in 6th grade. Thanks for reading!!!