
Showing posts from October, 2017

Happiest Day Ever!!!!!

Well in my words it says "Best Day Ever". For me the best day iv'e ever been through is when i got my first puppy. It was in 2014 when i got him. My dogs name is Coco, I was surprised for my birthday. Coco was given to me by my uncle,his dog had babies. That's how i got Coco,i still have him. Coco is like my motivation for me, every time i'm sad he makes me happy by licking my face. Thanks for reading!!!

Greatest Achivement!!!

The best achievement I’ve ever earned is a shirt with a certificate and a picture of me with a message. I got multiple certificates that day. It was my fifth grade farewell with all my other friends. We received everything because we finished Elementary School. We had like a whole party of all 5th graders. It was really cool we had like a whole breakfast with donuts ,coffee pancakes and way more stuff. So yeah that was the best achievement i have ever earned. Thanks for reading!!!

Writer VS Singer (Which one did i pick??)

I think i would wanna be a Writer because I would be able to make multiple books. I came up with an idea of what i want my books to be about. I want them to be about everything in my life. Like maybe every 2 years older that i get i will make a new book. Starting since i was born, i would talk about everything that is happening to my life. So Yes i would like to be a famous writer,A person who shares their life with other people. Thanks for reading!!!

Best Food Ever!!! (In my opinion).

The best food ever  in my opinion is Mac & Cheese. This is my favorite food  because i love cheese and it has cheese in it. The first time i tried it i didn't like it,but later on i tried it and fell in love with it. I like eating my Mac & Cheese with crackers. I like grab a spoon full on Mac & Cheese and put it on the cracker. If you guys haven't tried Mac & Cheese you should definitely try it out. Thanks for reading!!!

News Last Week!!! #2

Last week in Las Vegas,there was a big shooting. In a concert while people where having so much fun,there was a huge shooting. A guy names as Stephen Paddock shot a whole crowd for almost 11 minutes. He was 64 years old, he was in a standoff with the police. After all that happened he was found in his hotel room. He had a self inflicted gun shot wound,we suspect that after he did all that he killed his self. I think he did that because he didn't wanna pay the consequences. Right now they are about 59 deaths and over 530 injuries. #PrayForLasVegas      Thanks for reading!!!

If I Was President...

If i were to be president things would be a lot different than they are now. How? You may ask, well starting off i would bring back the DACA Program. A  lot of people were affected by Donald Trump getting rid of the DACA prgram, or soon to be affected. I would also help other states if they are in danger or need help. I would make different laws. for example like other people can come in from other states, without there Visa or legal papers. Another law I would make is no guns, only police are able to have guns. Maybe way more laws/like transporting goods and animals to other states. The law I would Veto is the law that doesn't let undocumented  people travel into the US. I would allow that law because there are a lot of people that are immigrants. A lot of people don't have their parent,that's because parents are immigrants. I would also let that law be legal because i want my parents to travel. I would be a nice president,i know that because i care for other people...

Slice Of Life

This is my first Slice Of Life as you can see. When I was 7 years old,me and my dad got my first puppy. I was really excited at that moment,he was gonna be my first ever pet. Yes it’s a boy, I named him Coco I got that name from Coco’s mom. They both have the same name,Coco is not about 3 to 4 years old. At that same time I was kinda scared I would hurt Coco because I thought I would do something wrong and hurt him . Since I was 7 he’s still with me, Coco is like my best friend. When ever I take him out for a walk,he would always bark at people. Coco is a little over protective,he doesn’t bite he just barks. Thanks for reading!!!

Digital Citezenship

Now that I have a blogging site I have a big responsibility. I have to be really careful with what I say or post on my blogs.  There is some bad people in the world,that can try to find me,or do something to me. I can't put like information about other people or my self,because that's how people get hacked or other people steal their money. I know that I am not allowed to post anything inappropriate or anything that’s not mine. Thanks for reading!!!